Among so many different ways to promote your business, digital marketing has become one of the most widespread. With the rise of the Internet and social media, digitalizing your brand has become a must.
Why is your digital presence important? With the reference to Business Insider, around 80 percent of people prefer to research a company online before buying from it. And if your business lacks digital presence, your chances of getting new customers and reaching the vast online audience are very low.
Digital marketing encompasses different aspects, including email marketing, mobile marketing, and mobile ads. But probably the biggest part of digital marketing is social media marketing that can help businesses reach billions of people at once.
So let’s talk about how you can use social data derived from your social media stats to launch a successful digital marketing campaign.
Strategic Importance of Using Social Data
Social media analytics is crucial when it comes to building a successful digital marketing campaign. The information provided by social data is so extensive and comprehensive that it’s sometimes hard to sort it properly to get the full picture. Putting it to work requires a thorough approach to social analytics that, in its turn, can be provided by various online tools like Kissmetrics or Google Analytics.
Properly analyzed social data enables you to:
- identify consumer insights;
- anticipate and study trends;
- develop content strategies;
- increase sales and attract new clients, etc.
All these features are necessary for launching a successful digital marketing campaign that will bring you more digital presence and brand exposure.
Social Data for Digital Marketing Campaign
The role of digital marketing for your business is enormous. It boosts web exposure, brings new customers and builds brand authority. Using social data is an inalienable part of launching a successful digital marketing campaign. So let’s take a look at the guide to help you employ social data to start a digital marketing campaign that will bring success to your company.
#1. Study the Goals of Your Company
Any marketing campaign should be in coherence with the major goals of your company. So before you start diving into social media analytics, you should study the goals and objectives of your company.
As it was mentioned before, social data can be very extensive and hard to structure, but when you have clear goals and objectives to guide you through your digital marketing campaign, you’ll be able to use social data according to the goals you’ve set.
The major aspect of using social data when working on a digital marketing campaign is keeping it aligned with your company’s key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are those factors which will help you identify how successful your digital marketing campaign is and what you need to adjust if you’re not quite satisfied with the results.
#2. Analyzing Social Media Trends
Using social media data to study and analyze social media trends is crucial for launching a digital marketing campaign. It will show you which content gets more attention and what you should focus on in your next promotional campaign.
For sure, you should be aware of the latest social media trends to figure out what your audience is interested in. But when it comes to launching a digital marketing campaign, you should do a thorough analysis of how your content has been doing on social media, and how you can adjust it to make your next digital marketing campaign successful.
Social media trends analysis involves the following necessary aspects:
i) The Analysis of Your Hashtags
A hashtag is a very powerful and yet a much-underestimated tool in digital marketing. “A hashtag can give you exposure your brand so desperately needs”, says Gillian Crawford, a social media marketing specialist at Flatfy. Indeed, hashtag analysis can show you how fast your content spreads among the users of a certain social media platform.
Look at how popular Nike’s hashtag #justdoit is. It has been shared more than 15 million times only on Instagram, which is great for the brand’s visibility.
You can do the same to analyze your hashtags and see how many shares each of them get. Later, you can use this information as a base for new hashtags, which will be used in your next digital marketing campaign.
ii) The Analysis of Likes and Shares
The same as with your hashtags, analyzing likes and shares can help you figure out which content attracts more attention.
Analyze likes and shares that your company got during your previous digital marketing campaign to see on which content you should make emphasis in your next marketing campaign.
Different content has different results, and it depends on many factors such as target audience, location and posting time. For example, Adidas’s last campaign that represents Statement Collection has shown, that photos of models wearing clothes from this collection did way better than videos of them exercising in these clothes.
The popularity of your content depends on different aspects, as it was mentioned earlier. However, you should definitely take into account how people have treated your previous content before going on with the new digital marketing campaign.
#3. Who’s Your Audience?
Audience analysis is also a part of social data that is crucially important for a successful digital marketing campaign. Among other decisive factors, identifying your target audience will serve as a foundation for what your future marketing campaign will be.
While we’re talking about social data that comes primarily from your social media interactions with your followers, it’s important to point out that before launching your digital marketing campaign, you should study the audience that follows you on each of the social media platforms you’re using for business.
Here are some general data about the most popular social media platforms:
- There are more female Facebook users than male ones, 52% to 48% respectively;
- Instagram has more female than male users as well, 4% to 49.6% respectively;
- Twitter shows the opposite results, with 66% male users and 34% female users.
Do these stats apply to your social media profiles? Apply these numbers to compare the demographics of your social media accounts and use it as a foundation to identify a wider audience for your next campaign.
After doing that, you need to get more specific and narrow your audience down to specific individuals you want to target in your next digital marketing campaign. You can do it by creating a customer profile. You should do it in three steps:
- Identify your target market. This will give you broader characteristics of your target audience.
- Figure out your niche market. Are there any additional features of your target market that you want to concentrate on?
- Create a customer profile of a single person who you want to target in your digital marketing campaign.
Here’s the example of building a customer profile:
To create a comprehensive customer profile, you need to use social data to give you the idea of who your followers are and what they are interested in.
Creating a customer profile also plays a great role in how personalized your future digital marketing campaign will be. There’s no need to remind that personalization is the key to success in any marketing campaign as it targets specific individuals. But the foundation of the successful personalization lies in employing social data to build a customer profile.
Don’t Forget to Keep Up with Social Data
Don’t disregard social data even after your digital marketing campaign has been launched. Keep track of the responses you’re getting from your target audience to make sure that the goals of your digital marketing campaign coincide with the goals of your company.
Hopefully, this small guide will help you better understand how to employ social data to launch a digital marketing campaign that will bring success and more brand awareness to your business.
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