Monday, 27 July 2020

6 Ways to Incorporate Content into Your Digital Transformation Process

More and more companies experiment and implement digital technology to improve their businesses and ensure growth. What many fail to realize is that the first step to digital transformation is actually transforming their content strategies. 

This article was crafted to help you make sense of the connection of content to the digital transformation process. After reading, you’ll learn the best hands-on ways you can incorporate content into your digital transformation efforts. 

What is the digital transformation process?

Digital transformation implies a process of integrating digital technology into different business aspects to improve or renovate existing services. When employed correctly, digital transformation can bring fundamental changes to the ways your business operates. Also, it has the potential to transform your corporate culture, customer experiences, and business operations. 

Why does digital transformation matter? 

Digitizing existing services is not the same as implementing a digital transformation, though. Digital transformation is a process of enabling strategic and planned organizational change with the help of technology.

So, why would you want to start a digital transformation in the first place? After all, why fix something if it isn’t broken? The answer is long-term benefits. 

Replacing manual and often slow processes with easier and more efficient automated alternatives will benefit your business in the long run. Besides improved efficiency, you will be able to improve customer experiences, and consequently increase your profits. 

How to incorporate content into your digital transformation process? 

Content is central to digital transformation processes. If you’re looking to improve your content to fit into your digital transformation process, this list is a great start. We’ve gathered the best six ways to incorporate content into your digital transformation process. 

Put your customers’ needs in front 

A common mistake many professionals make is pouring all of their resources into the tools and technology they think they need. The problem with this approach is that it lacks the customer perspective. 

Make sure to put your customers’ needs in front when incorporating content into your digital transformation process. Get to know your audience, their needs, pain points, and knowledge gaps. Then, use this information to create the content your audience actually wants. 

Keep track of the metrics to measure the performance and effectiveness of your content efforts. Make sure you measure traffic, ROI, social shares, customer retention, CTR, and other key performance indicators

Evaluate your content strategy 

Put your content in the center of your digital transformation efforts. Here’s what many professionals fail to realize when they start their digital transformation process – if you keep putting the same old content into the new technology, you’re not going to end up transforming much. 

If you want to actually transform your business, start with evaluating and adjusting your content strategy. Following these tips will help you assess your content strategy and bring in the change you need for digital transformation. 

  • Start with technical content analysis. Evaluate URLs, taxonomy, crawlability, and metadata. 
  • Evaluate your SEO practices. Use digital tools to uncover all of the keywords related to your              product or industry, and then create keyword-rich content pieces. 
  • Assess your social media content. Are you leveraging the power of social media to its fullest             potential? 
  • Assign each content piece with a grade based on the quality and campaign’s objectives. Keep             track of the content quality score, evaluate each individual content piece, and the overall                     campaigns. 

Inspire collaboration between departments 

    Digital transformation starts with empowering teams with opportunities for collaboration and responsive data-driven strategies. 

    For many companies, the content creation process happens in a vacuum. Assigning a content team that is responsible for all content production is a typical scenario that happens in companies throughout all industries. 

    If you want to improve your content game and make it a part of the overall digital transformation process, partnership and collaboration are key. Have different professionals from different departments work on your content pieces. You’ll be surprised to learn that most of them have something of value to contribute. This diversity of ideas should be the basis of your content strategy. 

    Create relevant content pieces for each stage of the sales funnel

    Deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. Make sure to understand your customers’ journey and their knowledge gaps corresponding to each stage of the sales funnel. This way, you will be able to anticipate the content they’re looking for on every stage. 

    Besides choosing the relevant topics and channels, consider the format and structure of your content. Experts from Ivory Research suggest that identifying relevant formats and structures will help you answer the audience’s questions, nurture their opinions, and ultimately convert more leads into paying customers.

    Become an authority in your industry 

    Creating relevant and helpful content is the right way to build a long-lasting relationship with your audience that is built on trust. Establish your brand as an authority in your field by tailoring meaningful and valuable content. 

    Create research-based and credible content pieces. This way, users will start turning to you for answers as they’ll perceive you as a reliable source of information and a leader in the industry. 

    Priming your content 

    When you think about it, every department of your company, from product development to sales and marketing, is affected by the content. For that reason, you must acknowledge how content contributes to all processes happening within your organization, and identify whether it’s ready to play the central part in your digital transformation process. 

    Use this content maturity model to identify whether your content is ready to be placed at the heart of your digital transformation efforts. Make sure all of your content matches the characteristics of strategic content. This means that all of the content pieces you produce should be recognized for their complexity and the impact on user experiences. 

    As you make your way to creating fully strategic content experiences for your market, focus on building understanding with your audience. Customer experiences must be central in all the decisions you make on media, tools, communication channels, and technology you implement. 

    Wrap up 

    Changes can take us personally and professionally further away from what we know and understand. Yet, changes remain the most powerful drivers of progress and growth. 

    This principle is particularly important as you make changes to your content strategy within the digital transformation process. Even though changing is sometimes uncomfortable, it can result in the advancements your business has never experienced before. 

    To ensure your business’ growth, let’s wrap up what you’ve learned today about digital and content transformation. 

    • Digital transformation is highly beneficial in the long run. 
    • Digital transformation starts with the reevaluation of your content strategy. 
    • Put your customers’ needs, desires, and knowledge gap in the center of your content strategy. 
    • Constantly evaluate your content efforts and search for the areas that need improvement. 
    • Ensure your content strategy is communicated across all departments. 
    • Create opportunities for professionals from different departments to contribute to the content creation process. 
    • Identify customers’ needs during each stage of the sales funnel and deliver relevant and tailored content pieces corresponding to each one of the stages. 
    • Create research-based content to become a leader in your industry. 
    • Use the content maturity model to identify whether your content is ready to be placed in the heart of the digital transformation process. 

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